Welcome to Judson Baptist Church!
As those who have been brought into the family of God through the sacrifice of Christ, JBC exists to bring God glory. We do this by loving out the gospel as individuals and as a family.
We are committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
We are a group of people who acknowledge our brokenness which drives us to Christ. We were spiritually dead because of our sin before God, yet we have been made alive by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe Christ's life, death, burial, and resurrection is to have a profound impact on our lives! We never move past the gospel. Rather, we move deeper into the gospel. Trusting in Jesus Christ transforms us from strangers to children of God. The Gospel then empowers believers to live a life of worshipful obedience to God and purposeful service for God.
We are committed to Scripture
The Bible is God's gracious revelation to us. God's Word not only teaches us in matters of faith but also transforms the way we live our lives at work, home, and around our city. Scripture saturates all we do at JBC from worship on Sunday morning to our various ministries throughout the week.
We are Multicultural
We seek to live out the full implications of the gospel in a Christian community where ethnic, socioeconomic, and generational diversity unite in Christ.